IRP and IFTA Motor Carrier Services
Motor Carrier IRP and IFTA Services
You earn your living on the road so don’t let paperwork keep you from it. Our Glendale location at 5036 West Cactus Road, Glendale, Az can help you get on the road or stay on the road. We service any size operation from owner-operators to large fleets. Our services are efficient and affordable. Here is a list of our services.
Motor Carrier Services
- IFTA Account Creation
- IRP Account Creation
- IFTA Bonds
- Motor Carrier Registration
- Replacement Plates
- Trailer Registration
- Fee Calculation
- Fleet and IRP Registration Renewals
- Titles
- Replacing Plates
- Replacing Tabs
- Duplicate Cab Cards
- Weight Increases
- IFTA decal replacement
- IFTA license renewal
- Cab card corrections
- Form 2290
- Call – (602) 688-8540

IRP and IFTA Registration
IRP stands for International Registration Plan and IFTA stands for International Fuel Tax Agreement. If you own or drive a truck over 26,000 pounds you are likely aware of these terms if not you will be and we can help. Trucking and Semi-Truck registration is done through Commerical Vehicle registration. This is for all vehicles that are for commercial purposes, such as delivery, trucking, cargo transportation, and much more. These vehicles must be used for 1000 hours or more in a vehicle registration year to be registered commercially.
A vehicle registered in the name of a commercial company must be registered commercially unless the registering applicant certifies that the vehicle will not be maintained nor used for commercial purposes.
The International Registration Plan (IRP), allows a continuation of states, the District of Columbia, and certain provinces of Canada to follow this same registration plan. This means that within a majority of states your registration is legal within all states, so you wouldn’t have to worry about going from one state to another to get a new registration until it has become invalid. This brings ease to Truckers, as many trucking services go across the country to a multitude of different states and locations.
International Fuel Tax Agreement (IFTA) is the fuel agreement between these same states and districts, that allows different taxing for fuel across the board.
All of this is to ease the process of trucking and transportation across the country. If you have any further questions, contact us today at 602-688-8540.
Motor Vehicle Service FAQ’s
If you have questions call (602) 688-8540 or visit our Glendale location on 51st avenue and Cactus Road.
Avaiable at our 51st ave and Cactus Location